23 . 12 . 23

Carlino - Grace

Semarang | Jawa Tengah


10: 8-9

Dan mereka keduanya akan menjadi satu daging, jadi mereka tidak lagi menjadi dua orang, melainkan satu. Oleh karena itu apa yang telah dipersatukan Tuhan, janganlah manusia memisahkan.


Tan Nesa Carlino

Putra Dari :

Alm. Tan Gay Tiong

& Lie May Hwa


Griselda Rosanti Suhendro

Putri Dari :

Alm. Antonius Hendro Sujarwo (Liem Giok Bing) & Maria Imelda Sriyani (Ang Giok In)

Our Love


Carlino & Grace

“Back in 2011, we met at a vocational high school in the city of Semarang. At that time we didn’t really realize each other’s existence. In 2015 we were reunited due to the demands of the situation where we had to work in the morning and study at night. We took the same major in a faculty that had night classes. With the excuse of helping her with her coursework, I, Carlino, approached Grace again. This is where I sowed love between us. In 2016 we agreed to have a more intense relationship, until in 2020 I ventured to propose to Grace. Praise God, it was accepted. In 2023, December 23rd to be exact, we stepped firmly towards each other to bind our sacred vows for life in the presence of God and His church. May God, the Source of Love, never stop pouring out infinite Love to our new family, and may God the Holy Spirit always help us navigate the household ark which we know is not an easy thing. We ask for prayer support from all brothers and sisters, friends, colleagues, relations for our new family. Thank you and may the Lord Jesus bless us all abundantly.”

We are going to

Celebrate Our Love


Our Wedding



Sabtu, 23 Desember 2023

Pukul : 10.00 WIB – Selesai

Gereja Stadion Semarang

Jl. Ki Mangunsarkoro No. 3 Semarang





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- Carlino

Grace -


*Kepada tamu undangan diharapkan untuk mengisi  form kehadiran di bawah ini


Merupakan suatu kebahagiaan dan kehormatan bagi kami, apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i, berkenan hadir dan memberikan do’a restu kepada Kami.

See You on Our Big Day

Carlino & Grace

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